Monday, February 28, 2011

New Tricks

Julianna has a new trick (not so cute at feeding time).
And we thought she was messy before.

Christian is also working on something new and he's almost got it down. 
Crawling is just around the corner for this big guy!  For now he's rolling all over the place.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

It's hard enough to get them both to hold still at the same time but then we added bears which went straight to the mouth.  Christian ended up with Julianna's bear in his mouth at one point.  I don't think Julianna enjoyed these pictures.  She didn't smile once!
This is how the majority of pics turn out.

The day we took these shots (Feb. 6) was also the day that Julianna rolled over for the first time.  I wasn't home (sob) so Jimmy took tons of pictures of the whole process.  Then she did it again later that day just for me!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Very Fun Week

We've had a very fun week.  Both babies have found their voices and are now, at times, very loud.  Julianna sounds like a lion!  Christian loves to bubble and is so slobbery.  I'm surprised he doesn't have teeth yet.  He's also found his feet and is great at grabbing toys!

They got to start cereal this week.  Christian was still hungry after 33 oz. so we got to start a little before six months.  They are both pretty good with the spoon and Christian loves to eat.  They look like little birds when their mouths open for the next bite.
before our first feeding


Can you guess which baby daddy fed?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow day...

without the snow but we did get ice.  As long as its a day off, i'll take it!
school closure
front yard
Staying warm!

Snugglin' up together
Love these faces.