Monday, July 23, 2018

Lady Bugs, Rainbow Loom and Summer Reading

Emerson got some ladybug larvae for her birthday.  We waited until our travels were finished to order.  They are having fun checking on them each day.  

They also found an old rainbow loom set I got many years back for my students so we've been learning to make rubber band bracelets.  I'm sure no one even still makes these now.  Oh well,  definitely passing the time and they are having lots of fun.

Even one for Mommy and Daddy.

Daddy, this is for you to wear to work. - J

 Summer Reading =  FREE BOOKS (makes my teacher heart so happy).

They have all been reading a lot this summer and we went today to get our free books at 
Barnes and Noble.  So hard to decide which ones.  
They sat on the stage to read for a few minutes, just to be sure.  The joke is on me - I spent $50 bucks getting three free books.  Hmmm.
They have also earned a free meal at Texas Roadhouse for reading too.  Yum!  
I have a feeling that one will cost me too.  :)

Tooth Fairy

Visit #3 for this girl.

Summer Swimming Lessons - FINS

Emerson started at yellow FINS moved up to white FINS.

Twins started at white FINS moved up to blue FINS.

They are doing so well and are getting lots of practice at home!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Happy Fourth of July!

Our Last Weekend

We meet Uncle Matt, Aunt Jess and the kids at Maytag Pool on Friday.  First time to try out water slides.  They loved it!



Christian loved racing Uncle Matt down the slides.

Grandpa took us to Red Rock Dam on Saturday.  We thought that because of the rain amounts there'd be more water coming out of the dam.

Time to hit the road.

Home Sweet Home