Sunday, October 12, 2014

School, School and More School

We (I) have been so busy with School over the past few weeks.  Here is September in a nut shell.

4 year check up and flu shots for everyone.

More school photos.  We are so thankful they love their school as much as I love mine.  They are all proving to be good little learners.

for me at least

Emerson and her yellow "blank".

Emerson loves painting and they paint so much at school (which I love) so the other day we pulled out some markers.  I'm sure I went to fold laundry or unload the dishwasher thinking the markers bought me a few minutes and I came back to Emerson trying to make handprints on her paper.  A few of them were also smelly markers so all three of them had marker under their noses - well E on her cheek.  Ooops!

Julianna wrote Mommy!

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