Tuesday, June 1, 2021


This girl loves this dog...all dogs really!

Julianna got her braces off and expanders out this month.  She was so happy.  Stage one is over!

She also lost two more teeth.

Happy Valentine's Day!  

We are trying to learn Chess.

The big news of the month is...a snowflake in the weather forecast.

Add snow it did!  We had snow for a week!

The first snow started on Sunday night, Valentine's Day.
Monday we woke up to a couple of inches.

It was so cold but that didn't stop the kids from loving the snow and icicles.

Hot cocoa and games to stay warm and busy!  We were so very fortunate and didn't lose power or water.  No school for a week.

Emerson is so happy to be in PJs all day!

By Friday they were searching for any snow leftover.

Everything looked like spaghetti afterwards.

Julianna has decided to take a break from ballet and wants to try baton.

A new bike for me and Christian's pedals fell off on our first ride so a new bike for him too.

A quick trip to visit Papa.

Lots of dog walks.  Ending the month in shorts.  This is more like it.

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